Thursday, May 22, 2008

Good things on an idle Thursday

  1. That new song that just totally "catches" you
  2. That old song that brings that smile and those good memories and makes you feel like you're 17 again
  3. The Dali Lama, because he just rocks
  4. Clever Home Depot gadgets
  5. Roommates who work out a lot and then walk around the apartment shirtless (yes it's good to be me)
  6. Not having to do everything today
  7. Ionic hairdryers
  8. People thinking I'm 27 :-)
  9. The head of the office asking me to lunch to brainstorm creative ideas
  10. Having a head of office who is totally cool and actively trying to turn our office into a "hot spot" 
  11. A great impromtu conversation in a parking lot with a co-worker I always liked but don't know very well
  12. Free Starbucks refills with the new Starbucks card
  13. LL Cool J
  14. Discovering a "Thank You" board in the hallway at work with post-it notes all over it
  15. Daydreaming about the ideal summer party

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome list!

Here are some more:

Lilacs in bloom, and how heavenly their sweet perfume

Waking up in a good mood EVERY DAY

Reading about black holes (fascinating)

My daughter's smile

Weekend on Nantucket!

Mr Kennedy is out of the hospital and ready for the big boat race


My writing partner had the back surgery and he is a-ok