Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Goddess to Goddess

Greetings great Goddess of the north :-) Goddess of the sea here... settling into my new little seashell. Phew! What a storm of activity. The mortals have honored me well with their help. I am well loved. And well moved. Well almost. Still have to have to clean the old place Organize the new place, unpack all my sacred and not so sacred belongings. Gosh I have a lot of stuff. I need to streamline, lighten up and let go of all those things that no longer serve. (no longer serve the goddess!) hahaha 

Loved your message, got it kind of late so I will call back today. Happiness is a tangerine wall. Happiness is mom coming down with spice muffins. Happiness is wireless connection just "working". Actually I need some help with my email, that part is not "just working". Happiness is a coffee maker and a spoon. I'm still sleepy. Gotta get some goddess energy going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Goddess! Its me, Goddess! ;-)

How are you doing? Feeling more moved in? I can't wait to see your tangerine wall...

Call me so we can chat sometime, okay?
