Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Trust and Forgiveness

Thinking about trust and forgiveness. Expectations. I don't trust, or forgive, as easily as I used to. I think of people, mostly men, who have let me down, or worse, lied to me. I try to forgive them, trust another man. Then then next man lies to me. Lets me down. Why do men lie? Because they are afraid of a woman's negative reaction? Of hurting someone? Don't they realize the lie hurts far worse? And it will be found out? How does a woman trust a man? Make them earn it? And if they aren't interested in that? What then? I so want to believe the best about men. I want to love them, to play with them, to have fun with them, to stand by them. And isn't that what they want of us? I fear I am too damaged over the years of trying to trust and being let down time and again. Or perhaps I'm not alone in feeling damaged. Perhaps so many men are damaged too, and it's why they can't love us. All I know is it makes me so very sad.

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