Wednesday, April 23, 2008

List of the good things - Wed Apr 23 version

  1. Got a parking space RIGHT in front of the building by the door
  2. Got the elevator right as soon as I walked in the door (this is a big deal - we have the slowest elevators in the world at my building)
  3. The gang at the deli sang me a song when I came in for my lunch today :-) And they ordered Diet Peach Snapple especially for me 
  4. Got a great manicure/pedicure and had dinner with my sweet friend T
  5. She got the remnants of the on sale sticker off the heel of my new shoe
  6. Got invited to go to Nantucket for Memorial day. Not sure I can go... but it's still great to be invited :-)
  7. It was a phenomenal beautiful day with big round suns on the weather forecast for the next 2 days
  8. Had a fun "argument" with my old friend GS about the proper use of the words "girlfriend" and "colloquial" 
  9. Am taking Friday off for "Outlet day" with my friends (not my GIRLfriends... that's for you GS)
  10. In my opinion I think I have very sexy feet
and... a list of things present in my life (not just today) to be thankful for (in general)
  1. My friend/roommate G is in a good place in his life and doing good - and that makes me happy/brings me a deep sense of satisfaction, even though it has nothing to do with me
  2. He always takes out the garbage and brings up the mail, without ever being asked 
  3. My friend K always always finds it in her heart to be kind to me when I am sad, no matter what is going on with her, even when there is so much going on with her it would be totally forgivable for her to be lost in her own stuff. Who does that? It's amazing. 
  4. The man who works for me (D) is always in good spirits and ready with a silly joke, and he puts up with all my crap, even when he doesn't realize it's crap. Plus he's talented as all hell and god I'm lucky to have him with me because he saves my ass time and time again
  5. Doctors and antibiotics. I have the most wonderful doctors. I wish I didn't need them but I'm really grateful that I have them available. Dr. Trebing, Dr. Burd, Dr. Taddonio, Dr. Fleigelmann, and my eye doctor, who's name is too complicated to remember how to spell but she rocks too. 
  6. Down pillows
  7. Haagen Daaz
  8. HBO

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