Monday, April 7, 2008

Weekend away

Got out of town this weekend to visit my mom... Just what the doctor ordered. It was wonderful. Got to just sit and talk, then we ran an errand and I bought my friend's daughter "Fairy Dust" - cute story behind that. I bought some for my friend for christmas - and her daughter, who is 7, said "Oh! Miss ***** knows Fairies!?!" Had a lovely dinner with mom, we were talking about history and my work in I went to my wonderful room and passed out. The next day I helped with breakfast, then took a long whirlpool soak and meditated. Then mom and I were working on She was trying to help fill in the blanks on her side. On my dad's side, I can go back to the 12th century. It's so neat. I'm finally tapped into King Edward II... an ancestor. It really brings the history to life. 

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